Books by Jeffrey Bennett
Books by Jeffrey Bennett [WEB LINK]
Books by Jeffrey Bennett [WEB LINK]
Astronomer, Teacher, & Writer Jeffrey Bennet Blog [WEB LINK]
In the fall of 2011, world population surpassed 7 billion and as a citizen of the earth, it’s important to understand how we reached this milestone, analyze the impact of our choices, and realize that our decisions can and will impact the future. World of 7 Billion [WEB LINK]
Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network – The CLEAN Collection of Climate and Energy Educational Resources A collection of 700+ free, ready-to-use learning resources rigorously reviewed by educators and scientists suitable for secondary through higher education classrooms. CLEAN [WEB LINK]
Virtual Teacher Professional Development Course for content and curriculum connected to NGSS Earth’s Systems standards. MOSAiC expedition [WEB LINK]
Data Puzzles combine classroom-friendly scientific datasets with the research-backed pedagogical practices of Ambitious Science Teaching to give your students the ultimate inquiry-based learning experience. Data Puzzles [WEB LINK]
Through interdisciplinary activities and inquiries into the various Earth spheres, GLOBE gives students a hands-on approach to the scientific method. The Globe Program [WEB LINK]
WASHINGTON – Populations of the American bald eagle — the bold national symbol of the United States — have quadrupled since 2009, according to a new report by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and its partners. Bald eagles once teetered on the brink of extinction, reaching an all-time low of 417 known nesting pairs…
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The River Mile is a network of educators, students, resource managers and scientists in the Columbia River Watershed exploring the essential question: “How do relationships among components of an ecosystem affect watershed health?”