Connect with Others

Networking is one of the key components for participation in The River Mile. The River Mile’s website and ArcGIS Online maps provide information, methodology, a way to share and present data collected by groups, as well as Columbia River Watershed data layers available for educational use. Also, there are quarterly electronic newsletters and regularly scheduled webinars.

Social Media

Keep in touch with other program participants and events.

Participating Schools

Watershed Facilitators & STEM Champions

The River Mile has “Watershed Facilitators” and “STEM Champions” who are points of contact and trainers in local watersheds. You can contact them to get help connecting with other formal and informal educators as well as resource managers and scientists in your local area.


Several times a year webinars are offered for teachers and students. Participants have the opportunity to connect with and share what they know about their site, learn about other projects, resource projects, and various opportunities available to them.


3-4 times a year an electronic newsletter is shared with partners and educators.  The newsletter features articles of interest and upcoming events. Click here for links to past newsletters.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

The Education for Environment and Sustainability program is to support academic success and life-long learning and to develop a responsible citizenry capable of applying knowledge of ecological, economic, and socio-cultural systems to meet current and future needs.