Free Virtual Training

Crayfish Observation Training
We now offer online training to prepare you to participate in The River Mile Network Crayfish Study.
Learn to engage grade 2-12 students in fascinating crayfish studies in this hands-on training. Gain the confidence to participate with The River Mile Network’s Crayfish Study to support important research by scientists and wildlife managers.
First register, then go to the Crayfish Observation Training page and login to begin. Once you’ve successfully completed the training module you’ll receive an official Certificate of Completion.
More details about the Crayfish Study are here, including the supporting curriculum and presentations. A small number of printed copies of the curriculum are available once you are registered for the virtual training, or you will receive a copy as part of any crayfish in-person training.
Please help us spread the word about the The River Mile Network and the resources we provide, and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help support you and your colleagues.